Continuing to Close the Gap: Minority Children in the Foster System

When: 2/1/2024 11:30 PM - 1:00 AM
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
2938 East 13th Street Austin, TX 78702

Travis County experiences the second highest rate of disproportionality (over-representation of minority children) in the Texas foster system. Join us we explore causes and solutions. We are especially excited to host The Heart Galleries of Texas and hear about their work to find forever families for children awaiting adoption.

The Advisory Committee on Promoting Adoption of Minority Children (ACPAMC) hosts educational forums across the state by bringing together experts, activists, and community members to discuss challenges, share success stories, and explore solutions to disparities in the foster system. Together, we aim to make a difference and bridge the gap for these young individuals.

Speakers Include:

  • State Representative Josey Garcia, District 124
  • Angel Carroll, Measure, Director of Community Engagement and Partnerships
  • Kori Gough, Director, Heart Galleries of Texas
  • Mosley Hobson, Disproportionality Manager | DFPS State Office
  • Sharibeth Niehaus , Disproportionality Manager | DFPS State Office

Lunch generously provided by Casey Family Programs.

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