Partners in Prevention Conference
When: 11/19/2024 - 11/21/2024

Our 2024 Partners in Prevention theme is "Building Relationships. Embracing Tomorrow." Strong communities exist all across Texas. Many of our communities are rich with resources such as safe and affordable housing, nutritious food, health care for the entire family, quality childcare options, and access to social and emotional support. Even so, many Texas families do not know where to turn to access the support solutions available to them.
Strong communities do not just have solutions for families, they have connected resources that are built through relationships and are responsive to the changing needs of families. From parent educators and youth service providers to civic leaders, policy advocates, researchers and others with a professional interest in child and family well-being, our innovative family-supporting community strives to engage Texas communities to create strong relationships and interwoven safety nets of supports.
This year we invite you to be part of the conversation addressing how we can "build relationships and embrace tomorrow" to achieve our mission of a Texas where all children and their families can thrive.
Register here