See's Candies Online Fundraiser Benefitting TFFA
When: 11/18/2024 - 12/6/2024
Where: Virtual Meeting - Join Meeting

This fundraiser ends Dec. 6, 2024, so don't delay!
Get your sweet treats today!
TFFA is striving to raise $3,000 this holiday season to help accomplish its mission of motivating, educating, and supporting foster, adoptive, and kinship families in Texas.
TFFA is always looking for new ways to help our families do the important work they do each year. Your support can help us increase our ability to meet this goal.
Use the link below to order for yourself and/or others, and TFFA will get a portion of the sales made with our link. The percentage earned varies by the item.
Do you have family and friends out of town or state who would like to help? Send them the link be
low and let them know what their contribution can do for the children of Texas.
Click here to see the menu and place your order!
Every penny counts in making the life of a foster child better!